A gift that costs nothing during your lifetime.
Feather in Flight ProductionsDid you know there are creative ways to support the Thousand Islands Land Trust? Ways in which the Land Trust, you, and your loved ones all benefit at the same time?
Such giving techniques are called "planned gifts", because with thoughtful planning, you create win-win solutions for you and the Land Trust.
Make us part of your family. A gift through your will or trust is the easiest gift you can make today.
You receive an income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, no matter what you originally paid for them.
You can make a significant gift to the Land Trust with retirement plan assets such as IRAs, 401(K)s and 403(B)s without adverse effects to your lifetime finances.
What we do today, shapes the world for our children, our children's children and future generations. Our story (our legacy) is what we leave behind. Will our stories inspire others to work to leave a smaller footprint on our earth and precious Thousand Islands region? We at TILT believe that together through dedication to keeping this special place healthy and beautiful for all who live here, especially our children, our children's children and forevermore — we can make a transcending difference.
Land conservation is an investment in our future. Once our natural areas are developed, we can never get them back. Unless we act now, our community's most treasured resources may disappear before future generations have a chance to enjoy them. Since much of our work is about ensuring that the places we save today will be protected tomorrow, legacy gifts are indispensable to TILT and the entire River communities.
Leaving a legacy is one of the most valuable, enduring gifts you can ever give. For this reason we invite you to join others by including TILT in your estate plan and become a recognized member of Thousand Islands Forever Legacy Program.
Click here for more ways to give.